Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Oft times I think I can't speak good enough to make people feel better or help them change their minds about doing what is wrong. But I can't say the right words. I can't express my thoughts. I can't give good advices.

I feel like I'm no good.

That I can never help others.

I realized, though, that if I can't do anything about it, then I can just at least listen.

I want to reach out their hears and sink into their lives. I want...I really want to help them. I can't do anything though. I hope someday time will keep us together, and even just through listening, I can make people feel that there's someone who is willing to listen to them. And there's a God who can take their burdens away.


  1. Hey Raquel!

    I feel that way to sometimes. It is so hard to know what to say to a person who you know is hurting. Thank you so much for your sweet comment and for following my blog! I really apreeciate it:)


  2. Hi Erin!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!:D I guess the best thing I can do during these situations is to pray for them. By the way, are you ewilber?

  3. Hey Raquel!

    That is very true! Prayer is very powerful:) ewilber is what my picasa account is under:) Why??


  4. Ohh...I was just wondering whose account that would be. Thanks for following my blog! :)

  5. Haha, no problem:) You have a great blog and by the way, thanks for following mine!

  6. Thanks, Erin! Will be looking forward to your posts as well. :)
